Rose Kessler’s Stories

Book cover of Rose Kessler's StoriesAfter Rose left the family farm north of Bowmanville, Ontario where she grew up, she moved to Richmond Hill and became a member of the Historical Society. She was a regular contributor to our newsletter Heritage on the Hill. Her stories told of her memories of life on the farm, her involvement with her family church, her school days and the social life in the farm community. For those who have never experienced Canadian farm life, this will be a window into another world. She writes of the daily routine, the hardships, community spirit, difficulties, dangers and ultimately the rewards she and her family experienced. The Bowmanville Museum and Archives have added Rose Kessler’s Stories to their collection, saying it is an important addition to their knowledge of the history of Clarington (and could be anywhere in Ontario at that time).

It has been a pleasure publishing this book. The Richmond Hill Historical Society’s Executive and Members are delighted to see Rose’s stories in hard copy.

Available for sale at monthly meetings or call Andrea Kulesh @ 905-884-2789
Cost: $12.50 each